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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

2 for the price of 1- So far...

The ultrasound on Sunday went great and everything looks very healthy. We found out that we have 2 yolk sacs which means both embryo's implanted. For now, it looks like we have a multiple pregnancy on our hands. I say "for now" because we really have to wait until we get heartbeat confirmation at 8 weeks. It sometimes happens that the twin "disappears". We hope this does not occur and it only occurs in 30% of cases (70% chance of not happening).So I am sending both little buggers lots of love and encouragement to GROW GROW GROW. 

I feel pretty good. I am really tired...all the time. My bed is the most wonderful place right now. I am almost a zombie. It's good though, I would take sleepiness over morning sickness any day! 

That's all for now, we go in for another ultrasound January 12th. 
I'll keep you posted!

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